Archaeologists working at the Mohenjo-daro archeological site in the province of Sindh, Pakistan have uncovered what is believed to be the oldest collection marbles ever discovered. The small spherical balls appear to have been lost in a fissure of rock sometime between the 23rd century BCE and the 26th century BCE when the ancient city was founded and contain significant traces of what UNBOSI have called muse, a substance associated with inspiration and literary genius.

The Mohenjo-daro site was the center of the Indus culture which spread across all of northern India reaching as far as modern day Iran. The discovery of the lost marbles was made by UNBOSI archaeologists and geologists examining fissures in the earth’s surface which appear to exude a harmless, colorless, odorless, invisible substance. The detection of muse at other sites worldwide has been associated the creation of significant inspiration and works of literary genius.

No significant works of literature have survived at the site although many of the earliest versions of the Qur’an have emanated from this area. Mohenjo-daro is thought to be the area where domestication of chickens first occurred a significantly inspired moment which has led to a worldwide proliferation of cheap and sustainable sources of protein and the inspiration for many global cuisines.

While the marbles themselves have survived none of the gilded monuments thought to have been widespread at Mohenjo-daro remain intact.