Following important work undertaken by researchers at the United Nations Board of Significant Inspiration (UNBOSI) which shows a strong correlation between geographical location and physical activity on levels of significant inspiration, UNBOSI are inviting members of the public to take part in a worldwide exercise to try and map locations of significant inspiration. Members of the public are being invited to reveal their ‘lightbulb moments’ where they felt significantly inspired. In addition to revealing their inspirational thoughts, they are being asked to record their location and the activity they were engaged in at the moment of inspiration. This project comes about as a result of research which shows that levels of inspiration have been proven to be stronger at certain geographical locations where a release of a harmless, odourless, invisible substance which emanates from fissures on the surface of the earth. This substance UNBOSI scientists have named MUSE (Micro-molecular Unseen Sensory Emanations).
Take Part!
Significant correlations between geographical location, physical activity and inspirational moments uncovered so far include the following:
Aged 16, inspired to begin work which would lead to his special theory of relativity while playing with a torch under the bed covers and day dreaming of Marie Winteler daughter of Professor Jost Winteler. Thomas Edison, 1878, Battle lake, Wyoming USA Comes up with the bright idea of using bamboo as a light bulb filament while trout fishing using a bamboo fishing rod. Sir Isaac Newton. 1666, Woolsthorpe Manor, Lincolnshire, England Inspired to discover principle of universal gravitation after apple strikes him on the head while asleep under an apple tree. “Tang Xianzu 1598,Jiangxi province, China” Aged 49, Tang is inspired to quit his job as a low paid government official and pursue a career as a full time playwright after accidentally stabbing himself in the ear with a purple hairpin. King James II, 1457, Musselburgh, Scotland Inspired to introduce a hole as the ultimate object in the game of golf while engaged in archery practice on Leith Links. Jacques-Yves Cousteau, 1943, Megéve, Haute-Savoie France Dreams up design of first commercially viable scuba diving apparatus while burning his tongue on overheated raclette cheese.
John Logie Baird ,1923, Hastings England
Cuts himself while shaving and is inspired to invent the first television using a hatbox, a pair of scissors, bicycle light lenses, darning needles and sealing wax.
Joseph Yogi Bear, 1958, Jellystone Park, USA
Discovers limitless food source in picnic baskets while engaged in a private activity in the woods